Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why Do We Have To CLOSE The Government Down? ( A Rant)

As I go to my college classes sick and tired because I have no time to get healthy, I hear about the government shutting down because the republicans keep trying to repeal Obama Care.

Seriously though, my classmates tried sitting the farthest from me because I was coughing so bad.

Not only that, but due to the shut down, I no longer have access to vital information via the government websites for a subject in one of my classes. Way to ruin my education. I do not approve congress.
For example:

Not cool.

I usually hate stating political statements or anything even close to something political, but Congress really needs to get their priorities straight, and not close down. Seriously, I thought 4th-8th graders went to middle school and not supposedly responsible people that we elect to represent us the people.  There is so much childish behavior going on that I feel like I am back in my mom's daycare, and not in a good way.

I just find it a little - or maybe a lot - ironic that I have to continue going to school and doing my homework while I am sick, and they decide to shut down the government because they cannot agree with something that is already passed. Well, life sucks and we don't always get our way. Deal with it.
I deal with the fact that I have a job where I can't call into sick.

There are bigger fish to fry. Let the poor people have health insurance because then the rest of the population will be healthier in the long run.

Servers - people that work in the food industry - hardly never take a day off even when they are sick because they can't afford to. So guess is handling your food? Sick people. But they wouldn't, would they? Most of the time, servers can't find anyone to substitute, and when they can find someone, they still can't take it off because they need the money to pay rent, feed the children, pay off student loans, and much more.
Most servers do not get benefits that include vacation time, or sick days. Well, they chose that profession, right?
Not always. Sometimes that is the only job that is available to make ends meet. I know a couple people who have to work two server jobs to stay fed, clothed, and to keep a roof over their head.

To make matters worse some of those servers don't have health care. So most of the time, they stay sick. They can't give themselves time to heal, or the money to heal quickly.

Excusing my tangent, I must clarify that the world does not stop when the government shuts down. Especially during the middle of flu season.

Well, whatever. Who cares if poor people die? It's not like they have lives and loved ones, right?
(That was a rhetorical question that I do not really believe.)

Okay, so I have a video that has this guy stating true facts about our health care, and even though there is a little more ranting, it isn't about the government shutting down like pansy ass sissies.
Here's the video with John Green (who is amazing):
Here's another article with a video that clearly shows what is happening, and why:
Here's a news article:

Most people have to remain at their jobs, while being unpaid? WTF?? How will this pay the bills and feed the family??

"Critical workers, from the Border Patrol to air-traffic controllers, would remain on the job, 


And you may think, she doesn't know anything, that might be true.

However, Congress people are still getting paid! Wait... what? Maybe they should go without a pay check, benefits, AND health care while the government is closed.

But I've been to Student Congress, I've done that, I know what they are doing. It's really hard to pass a bill, so leave it alone, and move on. Because more people will be able to have health insurance, health insurance means healthier people, healthier people means happier people, happier people means a happier place to live.

And I also have been taught not to quit something like a game, but when the game is done, I don't try to have a rematch because I didn't like the outcome.

Who wants to live in a hostile grumpy world where there is no fun to be had because everyone is sick or dead?

Not me!

On a happier note, today is the 123rd Anniversary of Yosemite National Park! (which has no paid workers there right now because the government shut down)

All because people do not know how to compromise or even know when to shut up about a passed subject. Get it? Passed. Obama Care was passed. Conversation should be over.

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