Friday, July 6, 2012

The Little Boy at the Parade

This week during the 4th of July is probably one of the most busiest weeks because of work. I don't really celebrate it other than watch the fireworks and enjoy working at a very fast pace during the parade. In the small town I live in, I can honestly say that I would not want to be in any other town during that day. I love working at the ice cream shop during the parade because of the people watching. there are so many characters that come through.

During the parade, a little boy runs up to the window and asks very urgently for a kid cone and throws candy in the window while also handing my boss his gift certificate for that same cone. As he runs off I notice that he has a wagon with the label The Lego on it trailing behind him. It was then that I knew that he cut out of the parade to get the cone promised to him without finishing the rest of the parade. That cone was serious business.

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