Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Light Bulb!

I should be studying right now since I have a quiz at 8 in the morning tomorrow and two exams later this week, but for some reason I just can't seem to study. I seem to have been in this mood to want to have an extraordinary adventure, or something super fun and silly because I have been under a lot of stress and will be for the next couple weeks. Why? Midterms are coming up, I applied to be a Community Advisor at my school, and PHE (Peer Health Educators) are putting a huge program on next week called Love Your Body Week. I am excited for all these things to happen, just not all at once. And to make things catastrophic, I ate all my chocolate kisses from Valentine's Day, so now my stash is out. Yes, I am going through withdrawals of chocolate. The secret is out.

This last weekend I went back up to northern Minnesota to work a very special event... called Eelpout Festival. I was one of the lucky ladies to sell shots to inebriated men who would make passes at me left and right. Sometimes, I wish sober men would do that. If I had a dollar for every time someone wanted to take a picture with me or of me I would have made a hundred dollars just from that. Some of the men that I met called me quirky, Russian (not to my face), and beautiful.

I must admit that a drunk man was trying to convince my sister and my brother-in-law that I was Russian and that I even had the accent. All the while they kept telling him that I wasn't even close to Russian, and they knew this because they were my sister and brother. He didn't believe them. To clarify, I am American, but my ancestry has never had any Russian in it. I think this was by far the most ridiculous and funniest things I heard all night.

The man who called me quirky, told me this within two minutes of talking to me, and when I gave him a questioning look he admitted that it was a good thing. Later that night, I asked him why he thought I was odd, and all I got in reply was "there is just something about you". Needless to say, we had a very good chat after that.

Anyway, going back to the adventure subject, I feel like I am not appreciating life to the amount I usually do, so how am I going to get back to how I was? All I could think of was, do something small but not an everyday thing that I would usually do. Somehow this lead me to think about how all of my adventures are always written about after the fact on here, and that, that made me very sad. I mean there should be adventures happening on this blog, not just a droning and rambling on of a silly young woman. Then a thought occurred, *LIGHT BULB* --- DING DING DING! We have a winner! I would videotape or record some of the things I do. It's brilliant! But then I had a sad thought rain on my parade. What was I going to videotape? What is something that a college kid could do that would not break a law, be offensive, and still be amusing? Yep, I have nothing. Maybe I will figure something out. *COUGH* Ideas? *COUGH* Anyone?  


  1. How about you do the cinnamon challenge?

  2. Taylor, Please try to get rid of that word verification when trying to comment. Sometimes they are to hard to understand and I can't publish my comment.
    Love you, Mom
