Monday, February 6, 2012

Classifications and Body Loving

For some odd reason I have been thinking about identity and what makes someone who they are. But what does identity even entail? How one acts? Dress? Wants? Because if you could be classified, what would you be? Would you be a hipster, a hippie, a prep, an emo, a scene, a country kid, a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister, or even a lover? I hear others classifying themselves or telling of being classified as such, and I can not help but wonder if I had to classified what would I be?

A week ago, a friend of mine said out of no where, "Taylor, you are not a hipster." and all I could think was 'why did he say that? And why would I not be a hipster? what does he see me as?' and when I asked him why he said that the only reaction I received was "I don't know. I just thought about it and knew you were not a hipster." I never thought of myself of as a hipster, and apparently if I did, I would have been wrong. The next day, a group of friends of mine and I were talking and one said that someone told her "...wouldn't think she would do something like that" because the person had always thought of my friend as a hippy and not a girlie girl.

This made me think even more about classifying people, and wondering how I was classified, but I was mostly intrigued by the reason why people are classified. It took me a couple minutes, but I remembered that people like everything to be classified and have the information put into a file cabinet of sorts in their heads. With the remembrance of the human's obsession to classify all things, I started to wonder again about my classification, and decided not to ask anyone because that would be too easy. My conclusion was that I am me. Just me. Unconventional and scatterbrained me. And nothing nor anyone could take that away from me.

Tonight, I went to a Peer Health Educators meeting (PHE is an on-campus organization at my college), and two of the discussions up for the board was 'What to do for Valentine's Day?' and 'Who wants to help plan Love Your Body week'. Naturally, I drifted towards the Love Your Body week subject since I am single and hate being judged for that. Do not pity me, I know that I can be happy either in or out of a relationship. It just so happens that I am usually out of one. But that wasn't the only reason why I was excited to talk about the week, I also love the message it brings to men and women alike. It started out for awareness of eating disorders; however, it is so much more than that. It is confidence and overweight issues. It is realizing that the media is stupid to make girls believe that being a size two is beautiful, or that having a six pack and being fully toned muscularly is something that every guy should be. I admit that I do not like certain parts of my body, but I wouldn't trade my body or starve it to get a new one. It is the most amazing possession that I will ever have, but I sometimes forget. So here is to remembering and trying to treat the body as the temple it is.

This is a song to remember that everyone is strong. I have been obsessed with it the past couple days, but no big deal.

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