Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shakes and The Big Bang Theory

So lately I have been saying that I was in a funky mood, well guess what? I found the perfect cure for that. Before going to bed, I watched some of "The Big Bang Theory"'s older episodes
and found myself in a great mood when I fell asleep. I don't think anybody can resist laughing at that show, it's hilarious! I love how Rahj can't speak to pretty ladies unless he is drinking, Sheldon with his routines, Howard's obsession with sex, Lenard always trying to keep the peace, and how Penny deals with all of them. I mean all of the characters are just perfect and the way they all react towards each other is just so funny that it could turn anyone's day into a better one in my opinion.

Today is my day off, and with that I decided that I would try to be productive. Try being the operative word. I helped my mom move the dvd player and the Wii to the living room from the basement so that is kind of productive, right? Then my sister asked me to go into town to buy her a shake from this fusion place that is supposed to be very healthy.

Anyways, I went into this place, called her to figure out the shake she would like and told the man behind the counter what she wanted. Then he starts asking me about what kind of tea she would like and if it was a okay to put this weird named shot in it. He stops somewhat quickly with twenty questions probably because he sees that I look like a deer caught in headlights and asks "have you been here before?" No sir, no I have not and you just scared the crap out of me by asking all those questions.

He told me about what comes with the shakes and what is the best way to have them and so on. I never knew that there was this shot of healthy stuff that you could take that did wonders on your digestive track. The shake and tea weren't bad either for being so healthy. I mean I thought they were going to taste disgusting, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that they were very good.

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