Sunday, December 4, 2011

Roommates, Dance and Class

The roommate I was complaining about is moving out; however, it wasn't my fault or our other roommate's fault. In fact, I am a failure when it comes to trying to get others to clean up when they are not my family or close friends. I guess I hate conflict too much. Bright side though? I don't have to deal with her slob-like habits or her bitchy attitude anymore! I feel bad for the reason she is leaving and all, but I am happy because she is leaving. This makes me super overjoyed. Now, my other roommate and I have to find another roommate or two, so we talked to a couple friends about it and now there are a bunch of people asking to live with us. It's humbling and amazing to know a lot of people want to live with me, but the having to choose is going to be the worst part of it. Because they all happen to be friends and some are living in terrible situations. Just like I was, so I feel bad and want to say yes, but my other roommate is picky.

 Living in this apartment, I must admit hasn't been heaven or even close to it. Before my roommate decided to go back home, I was thinking about moving out because of how miserable I am. I love the school, the town, my friends; however, my living arrangement was a living hell. I was in agony, well I still am, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel now.

Right now is the around the end of the semester and I am starting to freak out, badly. I have this one class that I have no idea if I am even passing, and even though I like the professor, she doesn't understand why I just can't get the right answers. I believe it is because this class frightens me beyond belief. Don't get me wrong, I love the subject but make me remember certain phyla and class names and I am completely lost. I can write about nature quite well and am probably getting an A in my nature writing class, but give me the science of if and it goes right over my head. It's a good thing that I realized early on that I did not want to be a biology major anymore.

Then to really make my life hell, the Dance Ensemble program I am in at my university just had their performances, we had to do three performances within two days, and the whole week before that is what I call tech. week where we have rehearsals and times to figure out the lights and practice. All this happening two weeks before finals. FUN!

 It is truly a lot of fun, but I found myself getting sick and being unable to do some assignments this past week which is not fun.

These next couple weeks need to go by very fast because I am in need of a break, pronto! Then instead of relaxing I will do a complete makeover on my bedroom! I am even switching rooms! It will be some great fun and a lot of work, but I am looking forward to this work. I can't wait to have the finished product!

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